
Birthday of The Year

                     Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh. . .

Hello May.
Happy belated day to me. xx

Alhamdulillah thank to Allah, because the opportunity to live for 16 years.
Im very grateful. 

Age grow older from year to year.
Well, Im still fresh and young!

Inilah yg dikatakan muda sebelum tua. Sihat sebelum sakit.
Zaman kanak-kanak telah aku lalui. Kini zaman remaja yg penuh dgn dugaan, cabaran, rintangan dan pergolakan harus aku tempuh dgn sabar dah tabah.
Semoga iman aku bertambah dari hari ke hari. InShaa Allah.

Actually, my birthday on 6 of May.

Well, sebenarnya saja je letak title 'Birthday of The Year'. Yeah, it because our birthday only once a year. So tak salahkan nak letak title gempak-gempak? :)

The truth is Im really not happy on my day. Idk why I feel like that. Im the person who have unpredictable emotion. 

Or maybe sebab sambut birthday awal kud? xD

Okay, whaddup?

On 4 of May, kami (Family Tree) keluar nak tengok IronMan 3. Hohoho.
Plot ceritanya quite interesting lah.

Sebelum tu kami pergi makan dekat secret recipe.
Lepas makan tu, tak tahu pulak ada surprise. Hehehe

Satu untuk saya, satu untuk Ikhsan, satu untuk Sys, satu untuk Wan :D

And after that, kami pergi main bowling sekejap.
Tengok la tu sapa yg kalah. Hahaha. Okay aku dgn Wan seri. Ini tidak adil, tidak adil. And the champion was Sys! Eleyh nasib je tu xP

4 of May is sooooo mean to me.
Thanks FT for the real best party. And the great day ever! If I could turn the time, rasa tak nak tinggalkan 4 May tu. Love FT 

Guys my story is not finish yet.

On 5 of May, rumah Dira ada kenduri. Kakak dia kahwin. Weeding of The Year. Hahaha. So aku sebagai kawan yg budiman mestilah pergikan. Makan tak payah cakap lah, sedap! :D

Hahaha yg ni boleh tampa muka dorang satu demi satu xD

After that, dorang ajak aku lepak kat pumkin atas rumah Dira. Aku pun follow je lah. And tidak ku sangka-sangka. One more surprise. Kkkk terharu....

Its mean a lot to have you all as my friends.
You all have become a part of my life,
I feel so comfortable with you all,
And the times we share are delightful,
And I know, no matter that,
I can always count on you alls.
Thank you...

At the night, aku sambut birthday dgn keluarga pulak memandangkan semua ada. Memang 2 hari berturut-turut lah aku makan sedap je. Mana tak naik berat badan. Hehehe.

Aku bersyukur sangat ditakdirkan mempunyai keluarga yg sangat bahagia dan ceria.
One Happy Family at Home! xx

Thank You Lord for healing me.
Thank You for touching my heart 
and showing me the light when I turned to you.

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